Thursday, April 23, 2009

[-study addicted-]

study study study!!!!
this few day stay at room just for study~
i thk i never so hardworking for study bah~
i want to try my best to get 3.0 and above,
but i really dunno izit i can do it or not?
my request not very high only,
jz a 3.0 and above...
and this sem have to exam 6 subject,
among this 6 subject i hope some can get a pretty result 1,
but the pengajian malaysia i thk i cant get it in pretty gred bah,
may god bless me i can get what i want in this examination loh!!!!
wish all of my friend doing well in exam ya~



  1. dear oii..
    u dun study until kisiao har
    u knw la, later u 4get me den no gd la
    i wil sad one. hahaha``
    jiayou o`!

  2. cheh,
    3.0 easy oni,
    u dun answer all,
    u juz answer 1 Q tat 3 mark 1,
    then u will get 3.0

    add oil babe
